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Monday, 17 January 2011

BRU - 16/01/2011

For the first time of the year, the weather was rather good this week-end, and I could not resist to take a walk around my home airport, Brussels Airport (BRU). After having waited a while on the limit of runway 25L, where the arrivals usually takes place, I noticed that the rare aircrafts to be landing  were on runway 25R. So, I took the car until the spotting location, waited around 20 minutes, and nothing in sight. But I could hear and see departing planes taking-off from runway 20! Maybe there were some landings too... A short walk later, I was in the field  at the beginning of that runway... just on time to see that 25R was back in service for both arrivals and departures! Nevertheless, I managed to get this backlit picture of OO-VEH:

Brussels Airlines - Boeing 737-300 with winglets - OO-VEH

My first picture on this blog is against all photography 101, i.e. facing the sun... It is to show you the importance of keeping the sun in your back as you will see in the following pictures! 10 minutes after this shot was taken, I was back in the spotting location near runway 25R and from then, planes began to follow one after each other!

BMI - Embraer 145 - G-RJXR  
EVA Air Cargo - Boeing 747-400 - B-16481

Lufthansa - Airbus A319-100 - D-AILN

Brussels Airlines - Boeing 737-400 - OO-VEP

SWISS European Airlines - Avro RJ100 - HB-IYT

Private - Raythean Hawker 800XP - CS-DRV

Brussels Airlines - Avro RJ85 - OO-DJN

Iberia - Airbus A320-200 - EC-IZH "San Pedro de Roda"
After this A320, there was a runway change, with all planes landing now on 25L. I did not want to change again of spotting location, and preferred to go home.

This is it for the first pictures. Feel free to comment! I will try to update this blog regularly, free time and weather permitting!

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